Welcome to Holy Martyrs Roman Catholic Church in Oreland, Pennsylvania – Founded 1949
” . . . one of the elders spoke up and said to me, “Who are these wearing white robes, and where did they come from?” I said to him, “My lord, you are the one who knows.” He said to me, “These are the ones who have survived the time of great distress; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”
-Revelation 7:13-14
2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the Month

First Friday Devotions
Join us for our First Friday Devotions
The Litany of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
following Mass on First Friday
Breakfast is served in the Hospitality Room
Message from Rev. Carl F. Janicki, Parochial Administrator, March 19, 2024
To the People of Holy Martyrs Parish:
The joys and hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of the people of this age, especially those who are poor or in any way afflicted, these are the joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the followers of Christ. (See Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes, 1965, (http;//www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils//ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_const_19651207_gaudium-et-spes_en.hilm)
As a Catholic Church, we experience this in the unfolding of personal, family and communal life. We seek God’s grace through prayer, sacraments, sacramentals, devotions/piety and acts of charity.
Today, Archbishop Perez has given me a new opportunity with a new ministry and appointed me Parochial Administrator here while continuing as Pastor of St. Genevieve. This appointment comes after a process of prayer and discernment. For all involved this double ministry brings more questions than answers.
As we prepare to celebrate Holy Week, I ask three things of you:
- Prayer
- Patience
- An openness to God’s plan at work in our lives.
Together, we will continue to do God’s work, as God desires, in God’s time and with God’s help.
Be assured of my continued prayers and support.
God bless,
Reverend Carl F. Janicki
Click on the image below to register and begin using FORMED.
FORMED is the revolutionary digital platform that gives you access to video-based study programs, feature films, audio presentations, and eBooks from the Church’s foremost presenters . . . At the parish or on the go, FORMED allows you access to the Catholic Faith.

Parish Lottery Calendar Fundraiser
Thank you to everyone who is participating in this fundraiser. Congratulations to our winners.
Calendars are available in the vestibule after Mass on weekends and in the Parish Office during the week.
For information on planning a Baptism at Holy Martyrs Church click this link
The Sacred Role of Godparents
For more information on choosing a Godparent for Baptism click this link
July 7th and 21st following the 9 AM Mass
Information: Doris Duncheskie at 215.884.8575 or email: dorisduncheskie@gmail.com
Message of Archbishop Nelson Perez about the Annual
Requests for a Certificate of Eligibility
for Sacramental Sponsorship
If you have been asked to serve as a Godparent for Baptism or a Sponsor for Confirmation, please contact the parish office as soon as possible 215-884-8575 to request a Certificate of Eligibility.
In order to request a Certificate attesting to your eligibility for this ministry in the Church, you must:
Be a resident registered in Holy Martyrs Parish.
Be currently active in the practice of the Catholic Faith – that is you attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation and receive the Sacraments regularly.
You must have received all 3 Sacraments of Initiation, namely Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation
You must be at least 16 years of age
If married, your marriage must be in accord with the laws of the Catholic Church; that is your Marriage was witnessed by a Catholic Priest or Deacon (unless a dispensation was granted by a Bishop.)
If you were previously a parish member, but have moved , we do not have the jurisdiction required to certify your eligibility for this ministry.
Almighty Father, source of forgiveness and salvation, grant that Pope Benedict XVI
who has passed from this life may,
through the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the saints,
come to share your Eternal Happiness through Christ our Lord.
Eternal Rest Grant Unto Him O Lord, and Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him.

Join Archbishop Pérez in his mission to create a culture
of missionary disciples in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia! Subscribe to receive a weekly text from the Archbishop with one action step you can take that week to deepen your friendship with Jesus or grow in your mission to bring Jesus to others. It’s a simple and great way to grow in your vocation as a missionary disciple! Full details can be found at the phillydisciples.org/goforth.
Click the image below for a message from the
Most Reverend Nelson Perez, Archbishop of Philadelphia

Click on the Parish Giving image below to go to the Holy Martyrs Electronic Donation Page

We are always in need of volunteers. Please contact the Church Office (215-884-8575 or email holymartyrschurch@gmail.com) if you are interested and able to volunteer for any of the following:
USHERS – We are in need of volunteers to act as ushers to take up the collection at Mass during the Offertory. If you were involved before, or would like to assist contact the parish office to become an usher.
OFFICE HELP – Volunteers are needed to assist with Labeling and Stuffing envelopes for our mailings, manning the activity table in the Church main vestibule when it is scheduled & providing office help – (answering the phone and the door when needed.)
ALTAR FLOWER MINISTRY – Volunteers for this ministry provide flowers for the Altar and the Church.
GARDEN / LANDSCAPING – Our dedicated volunteers who care for our grounds and shrines are in need of some assistance.
HOLY DUSTERS – We are in need of people who will help to keep our church swept and clean. You may sign up in teams. Scheduling would be once a month. Supplies are provided.
LITURGICAL MINISTERS – For those called to assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as Readers, Special Ministers of Holy Communion, Cantors, Choir Members, Altar Servers.
CATECHISTS and Teachers for the Parish Religious Education Program (CCD).
Visit Our Parish Shrines
Take a Walk . . . Take Time to Pray!
Take advantage of the many outdoor shrines and prayer spaces on our Parish grounds, especially the new Crucifix Shrine at the corner of Allison and Ulmer. The Shrine, which is typical of wayside shrines seen in many European countries, was constructed by Michael Matthews of our parish as his Eagle Scout Project. Landscaping, and the blessing and dedication, will be planned in the Fall.
We are grateful to be the recipients of this beautiful gift.
Monument to the Unborn
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Unborn, pray for us.
The Mary Garden
Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us.
Saint Therese of Lisieux, pray for us.
Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs, pray for us.

Watch your email for the Martyrs Messenger Newsletter. If you know someone who is not receiving the messages, and would like to, please remind them to send their email address to holymartyrschurch@gmail.com
Please also check in with our parish FACEBOOK pages – Church, Respect Life, and Carnival – for more information and spiritual reflections and prayers.
Also don’t forget to visit our parish website www.holymartyrschurch.org for information and updates. There you can access the weekly digital Parish Bulletin.
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In His Sign Catholic Radio Network WTMR 800AM at 4:00pm
Radio Maria is available in our area on the website www.radiomaria.us or the Radio Maria App which can be downloaded for free at their website www.radiomaria.us You can also listen to the Archives of most of the broadcasts of shows from the past 8 years.
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RELEVANT RADIO – www.relevantradio.com Also in our area at 640am on the radio
Bringing Christ to the World through the Media
Join all of the hosts who bring news and information, prayers and Devotions throughout the day.
Mass is broadcast daily at 1:00pm Eastern
The Family Rosary Across America at 8:00pm Eastern
Please visit the Parish FACEBOOK pages for more information and spiritual reflections.
The Study of the Sacred Scriptures with Fr. Peter Damian
Listen to Father Peter Damian on Aim High, on Radio Maria:
Introduction to the Study of Sacred Scripture – Part I
The Study of Sacred Scripture – Part 2
Visit the following links for News of the Catholic Church and Church Documents
News Agency – The World seen from Rome
Click here for information about Memorial Donations to Holy Martyrs Church
The triumphant Lamb of God, inspiration of the victorious Martyrs.