Archived News & Events
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is pleased to announce the presentation of “Saint Katharine Drexel: The Holy Heiress,” a 30-minute documentary on the life and work of Saint Katharine Drexel, to air at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 30, on 6abc. The program is a special presentation of 6abc’s FYI Philly. Encore presentations of the documentary will air at 1:00 p.m. and midnight on Sunday, March 31.
“The Holy Heiress” focuses on the life and legacy of Katharine Drexel, from her early years growing up in Philadelphia, to her religious life dedicated to serving the needs of African Americans and Native Americans, and how she became a saint. It also tells of the translation and installation last year of her sacred remains to a newly constructed tomb, now Archdiocesan shrine, at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul from the Motherhouse of the Community she founded, the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. Designated an Archdiocesan shrine last month, the tomb, located near the Drexel Family altar inside the Cathedral’s main entrance, is open for visitation and prayer.
Several people join in the telling of the story of the life of Saint Katharine Drexel, including: sisters from the Community she founded, the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament; a sister from the Sisters of Mercy, the Community where Katharine entered religious life as a postulant; Saint Katharine Drexel biographers Lou Baldwin and Cordelia Frances Biddle; Dr. Trudy Brown, who as a young girl met Saint Katharine Drexel; Robert Gutherman, whose hearing was restored through the miraculous intercession of Saint Katharine Drexel; and Reverend G. Dennis Gill, Rector of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul and Director of the Archdiocesan Office for Divine Worship.
“The life and mission of Saint Katharine is a beautiful story of holiness,” said Father Gill. “Through this program, viewers will learn more about her early life, her consecrated life and legacy, her holy and virtuous life and how she selflessly provided for the needs of African Americans and Native Americans.”
Feast of Saint Joseph
Traditional Latin Mass
Homilist: Rev. Fr. Carl Gismondi, FSSP, Pastor of St. Mary Church, Conshohocken
Lenten Soup Supper with the Sisters of Life in Philadelphia
Holy Martyrs Family Game Night Saturday, March 2, 2019
Additional Pictures from Holy Martyrs Nativity Play Sunday, December 16th, 2018
Include your loved ones, living and deceased, in our Christmas Remembrance Masses offered at Holy Martyrs.
Enrollment envelopes may be placed in the Sunday collection or dropped at the Church Office.
Cards will be available in the Sacristy and the Office.
Available at the Church Entrances and the Office
For more information.
or email
OPLATKI – Polish Christmas Wafers – package – $5.00
The Newly Completed Monument in honor of the Veterans of the Armed Services, Living and Deceased.
Dedication and Blessing to follow 4:30 pm Mass on Saturday, 10 November 2018.
We are very grateful also to Josh Robinson for choosing this as his Eagle Scout Project, to Michael DeLaurentis for the Concrete work, Michael Eder, the Stone Mason, assisted by Gary Decembrino, Charlie Coyle, Kevin Hiegh and Ian Robinson who generously donated their time and talent to the completion of this project. We also thank Allied Building Supplies and Langhorne Stone Quarry for their cooperation and generosity.
If you would like to make a donation in honor of a Veteran of the Armed Services, living or deceased, please contact the Church Office at 215-884-8575.
Thank you.
Dedication and Blessing – November 10, 2018
Exposition of Sacred Relics throughout the day on Thursday, November 1, 2018
The Solemnity of All Saints
You are invited to pray in the presence of more than 100 Sacred Relics
Included is the True Cross of our Lord, relics from Mount Calvary and the Birthplace of the Lord, the Cloak of St. Joseph, St. John the Baptist, St. Anthony of Padua, St. John of the Cross, St. John Neumann, St. Katharine Drexel, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. John Paul II, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, St. Damian of Molokai, Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin, St. Therese, Venerable Fulton J. Sheen, Servant of God Fr. Walter Ciszek, and many others.
More information call 215-884-8575
or email:
Blessing of Animals in honor of the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi
2018 Holy Martyrs Fall Carnival
The Attorney General’s investigation and subsequent grand jury report involving six Catholic dioceses in Pennsylvania has been broad and the content has been difficult to read. The material is painful for everyone, most especially survivors of sexual abuse and their loved ones. We deeply regret their pain and remain focused on a path toward healing.
It is important to note that the Archdiocese was not subject to the grand jury investigation and is not part of this report. However, that fact in no way eases our responsibility and longstanding efforts to ensure the safety of children and families in our Church environments.
For more than 15 years, the Archdiocese, along with the Church at large, has put in place a wide range of reforms to protect young people. We have a zero tolerance policy for clergy, lay employees, and volunteers who engage in abuse of children or misconduct with minors and take immediate action when an accusation is made.
- Relevant information can be found at and
- Some key points are listed below.
- All people working with children, including volunteers, undergo criminal background checks and child abuse clearances.
- All AOP clergy, staff and volunteers complete Safe Environment training programs and Mandatory Reporter training programs. Over 110,000 adults have received training to recognize, respond and report abuse since 2003.
- All young people in grades K-12 receive age appropriate abuse prevention education.
- All employees and volunteers who have contact with children are required to report suspicions of child abuse.
- A full-time, professional staff develops policies and trainings based on the law, best practices and the “Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries to clearly define acceptable and unacceptable conduct which apply to all Archdiocesan clergy, staff, volunteers, parents, and members of parish communities.
- An active “safe environment program” is pursued within all of our parishes, schools, and youth programs for compliance audits and disseminating information and resources on child abuse prevention. There are 280 designated “Safe Environment Coordinators” diocesan-wide serving parishes, schools and youth ministries.
- We encourage the general public to report all suspected child abuse by clergy or anyone participating in an Archdiocesan program to the Commonwealth, local police, and to identified Archdiocesan personnel.
- We require our Office of Investigations to handle allegations of misconduct, and every allegation involving minors is reported to law enforcement, logged, and reviewed to determine whether interim restrictions on ministry or employment are required.
- We refer allegations against clergy members involving minors, even those solely involving violations of the Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries, to the Archdiocesan Review Board, which functions an independent consultative body to the Archbishop.
- We submit to regular audits and the USCCB’s annual report process, which allows independent auditors to evaluate and scrutinize the Archdiocese’s youth protection efforts and response.
These layers of protection, including the engagement of secular professionals and direct work with law enforcement, have resulted in far fewer abuse incidents in the Archdiocese than found in society as a whole.
In addition to our efforts at abuse prevention, the Archdiocese also provides ongoing, significant support for survivors of abuse and their families. We encourage victims to come forward, and we will continue our extensive efforts to help victims of sexual abuse heal.
Studies have now shown that sexual abuse plagues every aspect of our current culture – from sports and public institutions, to the entertainment industry and politics. Prevention comes from training and constant vigilance. In that light, our path will remain focused on ensuring that children and young people are protected, and wrongdoers are reported to law enforcement.
To make a report: To report an allegation of sexual abuse, immediately contact your local law enforcement agency and/or the Archdiocesan Office of Investigations at 1-888-930-9010. Mandated reporters are required to call ChildLine, which is staffed by the Department of Public Welfare at 1-800-932-0313.
To report a violation of The Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries, contact the Archdiocesan Office for Investigations at 1-888-930-9010.
If you need support or assistance, victim services and referrals are available through the Victim Assistance Office of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia at 1-888-800-8780 or
The Feast of Saint Philomena – August 11, 2018
Thank you to all our wonderful, dedicated Volunteers and our Directors of Religious Education, Adam and Sarah Dickerson who directed our Vacation Bible School Camp. Join us next year…July 8-12, 2019!!
Good Shepherd Regional Catholic School 835 North Hills Avenue, Ardsley, PA. 19038 Preschool through 8th grade … 215.886.4782
Thank you to all of our CARNIVAL VOLUNTEERS and SPONSORS!!!
If you can help with our Carnival, call Terry Melanson at the Parish Office – 215.884.8575, or email –
The Shrine to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph
Thank you our generous donors who are providing for the new Blessed Virgin Mary Shrine currently under construction in our church.
The Original sketch by Father Jason . . . . Under Construction . . . Taking Shape . . .
Primed and Ready for Paint . . . Almost finished – waiting for the final gold trim!
If you would like to make a Memorial Donation, or can help with the construction and finishing,
please contact the Parish Office.
Donations of at least $100.00 toward this project will be acknowledged on the Memorial Plaque for each shrine.
The Side Altars in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph are designed to
match the Papal Altar in style and color.
Centennial of the Apparitions at Fatima
May 13, 2017 – October 13, 2017
Pope Francis has granted a plenary indulgence opportunity for the 100th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions throughout the centennial year, from the 27th of November 2016 till the 26th of November 2017. There are three ways to obtain the indulgence, detailed in a statement from the Fatima Shrine in Portugal (see below).
To obtain the plenary indulgence, the faithful must also fulfill the ordinary conditions: go to Confession and Communion, be interiorly detached from sin, and pray for the intentions of the Holy Father.
1. Make a pilgrimage to the Shrine in Fatima, Portugal
To the faithful who make a pilgrimage to the Fatima Shrine in Portugal and participate in a celebration of prayer dedicated to the Virgin. In addition, the faithful must pray the Our Father, recite the Creed and invoke the Mother of God.
2. Pray before a statue of Our Lady of Fatima
To the faithful who visit with devotion a statue of Our Lady of Fatima solemnly exposed for public veneration in any church, oratory or proper place during the days of the anniversary of the apparitions, the 13th of each month from May to October 2017, and there devoutly participate in some celebration or prayer in honor of the Virgin Mary. In addition, the faithful must pray the Our Father, recite the Creed and invoke Our Lady of Fatima.
3. The elderly and infirm
To the faithful who, because of age, illness or other serious cause, are unable to get around, may pray in front of a statue of Our Lady of Fatima and must spiritually unite themselves to the jubilee celebrations on the days of the apparitions, the 13th of each month, between May and October 2017. They must also “offer to merciful God with confidence, through Mary, their prayers and sufferings or the sacrifices they make in their own lives.”
Traditional Latin Mass on the Wednesday of Passion Week
Exposition of Sacred Relics
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Over 100 relics of the Lord and the Saints were on display.
Included in the collection is a relic of the Cross of our Lord, relics from Mount Calvary and the Birthplace of our Lord. Also included are relics of the Cloak of St. Joseph, St. John the Baptist, St. Philomena, St. Francis, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Charles Borromeo, St. John Neumann, St. Katharine Drexel, St. (Mother) Teresa of Calcutta, St. John Paul II, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, St. Damian of Molokai, St. Therese, Venerable Fulton J. Sheen, Servant of God Fr. Walter Ciszek, and many others.
Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs, Pray for us!
Installation of the Pedestal for Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs, at the main entrance of the Church.
Welcome to the new Martin Saints Classical Catholic High School
opening in the Fall of 2017 in Holy Martyrs school building.
For more information, click on the picture below or go to
Information Meeting, February 7, 2017
Christmas 2016
December 2016 Thank you to our wonderful volunteer workers who removed these panels and altars from Our Mother of Sorrows Church last year – and installed them in our Church this weekend!
We were blessed to obtain these beautiful items – at no cost – after the church unfortunately closed! Please remember in your prayers the good people who prayed at these shrines in their church for many years.
Breakfast with Santa December 2016
All Saints Day – Exposition of Sacred Relics
Blessing of Animals on the Feastof St. Francis 2016
Thank you to our Carnival Committee and all our generous Volunteers!
May Procession
Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the New Mary Garden
Designer Bag Bingo Saturday, May 7, 2016
Lenten Soup Supper 2016 With Special Guests – the Founders of Mother of Mercy House in Kensington – Father Murphy, Father Devlin and Sister Ann
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 2016!
A good time was had by all. Thank you to the generous benefactors who provided the entire event! God bless you all.
Springfield Sun: News Holy Martyrs receives altar used by Pope Francis during Parkway Mass Published: Friday, November 27, 2015
Click on the Picture to go to the article.

Sincere gratitude to Archbishop Charles Chaput for allowing my request to bring the Altar used by Pope Francis for Mass on the Parkway in September of 2015, following the Eighth World Meeting of Families, to Holy Martyrs Catholic Church in Oreland, Pennsylvania.
The arrival of the Altar to it’s new home at Holy Martyrs Catholic Church
Now in Philadelphia
Talk Radio for Catholic Life on 640 AM
Holy Martyrs Seniors
meet on the First Thursday of the Month
Stop by and have your Blood Pressure checked by our own Parish Nurse and Outreach Ministry Coordinator, Doris Duncheskie